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EL-Nahda Cement – Qena One Of Holding Chemical Companies

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  • EL-Nahda Cement – Qena One Of Holding Chemical Companies

Egypt Scientific company is the consultant of cement Nahda company up to date, where the following environmental consultation services have been provided as follows:-
– preparing a study for factory on environmental impact assessment.
– preparing a complementary environmental management plan of the project within construction and operation phase.
– preparing surveillance and monitoring plan within construction and operation phase.
– preparing a plan for modern technology alternatives in cement field.
– preparing detailed explanation of the factory on industrial operation and the extent of wasting energy.
– preparing a study for passive impacts on the project.
– preparing a study on passive impacts reduction methods of the project.
– Preparing a study on General emergency plan of the factory.
– Preparing a study on treating wastes method from manufacturing process dumping it.
– Preparing self-monitoring plan of the project.
– Doing environmental studies installing continual self-monitoring devices on chimneys.